The processing of incoming mail in corporate mail centers actually involves the handling of several distinct mail types with their own peculiarities. The three primary mail types involved in incoming are:
The manual processing of white mail has a number of shortcomings, including the amount of labor required to sort the mail within a relatively narrow delivery window. As an example, to process 10,000 daily items in 8 hours, five full-time sorting personnel are typically required due to the two-pass sortation method used. Absent sorters are an additional issue to overcome, with substitute sorters creating mis-sorts because they do not have the route memorized. Substitute personnel also require more time to perform the sortation, which can lead to delivery delays.
Because it can read and sort mail at more than 10 times the rate of a human, the ID Mail Dispatcher applies itself directly to the labor cost issue within the mailroom. With its ability to feed, code, print and sort letter, flats, Tyvek and polywrapped items, the Dispatcher allows the majority of incoming white mail to be processed automatically, which reduces the labor expense. In addition to the labor savings, the schedule and delivery issues caused by absenteeism are reduced because the Dispatcher will be available when needed and isn't faced with memorization issues.
Learn more about ID Mail Dispatcher for Corporate and University Mail Volumes